• More and more teenagers bullied at school !


    More and more teenagers bullied at school !


    By Louiza MAAMERI and Thess TILLY


    September 30th 2013



    First, I read an article which was taken from the British daily newspaper « The Mirror ». The headline this article was «  Half of all teenagers bullied at school over their look ». In fact, this article focused on the fact that in schools in the the UK, teenagers are bullied because of their looks, their weight, their sports, their acnne, how they dress or simply since their face does not fit. This article underlined the fact that girls are more targeted than boys. Indeed, boys are also picked on hit in fewer numbers. Teenaged girls are often bullied as they are too pretty or not enough, This article emphasized that bulling result usually in crash dieting which is totally unhealthy. Moreover a study found that a third of hurtful words come from the victims' own friends. It's a big surprise. Furthermore, the girls are more picked on by their pals than boys, The figures are just amazing und unfortunately right, Poeple who bully are just dumb.

    Concerning my school, I guess that nobody has ever been bullied. However, sometimes teenagers suffer unfortunately from jubes, because they are gay or bisexual.

    When I was in High School Junior in France, a girl was bullied, because she was too small and too slim, She suffered from a disease, and for instance when we had P.E , she couldn't catch a ball or during the academic lessons, she was always the last to finish writting. As she suffered from bullying, her mum decided to change her from school, This was unfair, because it was not her fault if her reactions were slow. Otherwise, I have never known any teenager who was bullied during my schoollife. Hope I will never do.

    To my mind, bullies are just stupid teenagers who have nothing interesting to do. So in order

    to not be bored, they jibe people and bully them. In my view, teenagers who suffer from bullying have to talk to get help. They mustn't stay isolated and have only bad thoughts of society. They don't have to feel oppressed by company. They have to talk. I'm conviced that sometimes it is hard to talk about that to someone else but there are websites for that as a Beatbullying.co.uk. And we mustn't be harsh self critics. If you have acne, or some spots, you have not to be fret of people reaction. And if you want to diet, you should talk to a dietician.

    To conclude, the best solution of the bullying's issue is to talk and not to stay isolated. If you know people who are being bullied, advise them to talk to an adult, give them some tips!

    It's important! Bullying must be abolished


    .More and more teenagers bullied at school !


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    School bullying in the UK and in France


    School bullying in the UK and in France




    Monday, September 30th 2013


     We read an article on the website of the Mirror about school bullying in United Kingdom. Lots of people between 12 and 18 years are bullied because of their weight, because of the way they are dressed or have acne. It’s not only the case of the girls, boys are concerned too. According to a survey, hundreds of students went on a diet because they were bullied because of their weight. We also read that bullying has devastated lots of lives. That’s why the newspaper gave the name of a website where teenagers can speak in an anonymous way.

     In France, teenagers are also being bullied but it seems that some of them don’t really care about it. They like the person who they are and if the other people don’t like who they are. Anyway, they live their life. We think that in France, teenagers are more bullied because of their weight than for anything else. French people don’t really care about the looks of the teenagers, the think maybe that we are young and we need to live our life as we want. In my school, there is not much bullying, but we know that sometimes, in the corridors, the other students look at someone in the wrong way because of her make-up or because she’s always alone, or because her friends are really strange.

     In our mind, school bullying mustn’t exist, because we are all the same inside ! Yes, inside our skin, we are al the same and it’s not the skin or the appearance which makes who we are inside. It’s not because we are not popular or because our looks are different from the one of the other that we aren’t normal. Everybody has a part of strangeness or a part of craziness inside and we sometimes want to show it, so what ? If we like to be like this, let us be ! We think that the one who are bullied mustn’t care about it and go away. We think that they have to live their life as they want and to be themselves. And the most important thing : don’t show the other people that bullying affects you and that prove them that they don’t need hypocrites friends to be good and continue their way alone !


    SPEISSER Eve et WASSER Sarah 1ière S1

     BLATTER Elise 1ière L


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  •  School bullying from the UK to Saverne.


    Lucas BURCKEL, September 30th, 2013


             My English teacher asked our class to read an article about the bullying at school in the UK. This article was written the third of September so it was just the beginning of a new school year. So I went on the Mirror website to read it and I was really surprised that school bullying concerns eight out ten teenagers in the UK. In fact they are bullied over their look. It’s a physical bullying because they laugh about the spots of these students, about their clothes and their weight. I read that in the UK, teenagers are extremely image conscious, that could be the reason why they are bullied even by their friends ! Friends ?! Yes, I said FRIENDS because in this article it was written that a half of these teens were bullied by their own friends ! Funny friends, aren’t they ? Because of this bullying a lot of students live in fear, they are a bit disturbed and they don’t want to go to school. What shocked most was the fact that a lot of girls go on diets which are unnecessary and sometimes have health problems because they become skinny.


             This situation in France is very different, I think. In my school and in my former school, bullying wasn’t as important as in the UK. I’m a boy so it may be different but I don’t remember anyone bullying me. With my friends it is the same, they are my real friends so they won’t say anything bad about me. Sometimes when I’m with them we speak about he looks and sometimes we say ”Hey look at you, today you look like a farmer” or “ Did you loose your brush ?” but it’s just for fun. Usually, the person we speak about laughs and that’s it. Girls may not react in the same way, they don’t make fun with their looks. I think the image they give is more important that ours. This could explain why girls are more bullied. In my class, I have never heard about bullying so I think that isn’t an issue here in Saverne.

              I don’t understand those teens who are bullying their friends, but that doesn’t shock me the most. What shocks me most are those people have to live in fear, I don’t understand them. In their case, I would speak about this bullying to my parents or friends to tell them that they don’t find that funny. And excuse me if that sounds aggressive but if somebody were bullying me, I would punch him in the face.

     So, speak about it teens, a lot of people will help you !!!


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     Uniforms, a situation ?


    Monday, the 30th of september 2013

    by KHADJIEV Karina


    In the original article taken from the Guardian, it explains the dress code in an American high school in a negative way. It basically talks about how discriminated girls are. Their dress code only mentions what girls cannot wear or show (no breasts, no bellies, no buns), which is totally sexist. This article is biased, the journalist who wrote it gives a feminist opinion.


    Compared to the American high school, here we don't have such a sexist dress code. The only thing which is forbidden is to wear hats and it concerns everyone. Here we are kind of free to wear whatever we want, girls can wear short skirts, shorts and so on. It has always been like that, even though some students judge a lot, saying that we should wear something more appropriate for school, that school is an educational place, not a catwalk or a party. Of course, this is only a minority, the majority of students are really satisfied with this, they don't care about how short a skirt is or anything else. As long as they can wear whatever they want, they are happy. A bunch of students keeps saying how lucky they are for not having uniforms. Firsly because it might be extremely expensive, but also because most of the time it looks really ugly.


    As for me, being able to wear whatever I want is of course something I appreciate. But sometimes, I wish we had uniforms because it would be easier for everyone, it would be a sign of equality. No one would judge. To finish, being the lazy person I am, it would be much easier to stop taking hours in the morning choosing the clothes I'd wear if I wore a uniform.


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  •  Dress codes: same issue in the USA and in France ?


    Monday, 30 September 2013


    Written by Mathilde Winninger 1°ES1


    “Welcome to school, girls and mind those breasts” is the title of an article taken from the Guardian, a British daily newspaper and written by Nancy L. Cohen.

     It deals with how dress codes discriminate girls at school.

     Indeed, this American mother explains that there is a new rule at her daughter’s school in Chicago “The three B’s: no bellies, no buns and no breasts”. She was stunned because this rule only concerned girls and not the mal body parts! So the principal changed the rule: “The 4th Bs: …with Boxers”!

     Finally, the article relates that until our society achieves real gender equality, school dress codes can never be fair! It may be better to abolish them. In France, the situation isn’t exactly the same. We are free to wear what we want, except snapback in classroom. Of course, we need to respect the other people.

     I think that the dress code avoid the student to express themselves in obscene of libellous ways.

     But, it mustn’t be too strict! In France, it depends on the school:  if it is a public one or not…

      In my opinion, it is better to have a dress code but the students must learn to be more responsible when they choose their clothes.


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